Libertarians, Conservatives - Failing To
Understand The Issues
Western governments have largely increased their powers over citizens
during these past four decades on the backs of women's issues and
feminism; but libertarians and conservatives do not seem to have noticed
this rather very obvious fact.
This is particularly surprising because when it
comes to political issues, most of
the enthusiastic pundits are men - about 80% according to a survey that
I once saw; something that accords with my own experience. It
somewhat surprising, therefore, that while Women's Issues - and
Feminism -
seem to dominate so very heavily in the western world (exerting a
malevolent force when it comes to the well-being of men) that so few
male 'political experts' are prepared to tackle them head on - at
least when it comes to their own blogs and their various
Why? Is it that all these men are too scared to take on the feminists? Is it that all these men are too scared to take on the feminists?
Is it that they are completely blind to the positively enormous number of
negative impacts being inflicted upon their own societies and their
cultures - and on them - by the well-organised perpetual deluge of
man-hatred emanating from the feminists and, indeed, from the abuse industry and their
very own
Or is it just a lack of concern? Well, I do not know the answer to
this question. But I know this. Unless more male political activists
and pundits start to wake up and actually do something to counter those
groups and organisations that seem hell bent on demonising and
disadvantaging men, matters are going to get much worse for them. After
all, these pernicious groups are continually being funded with millions of dollars -
billions across the western world - and they are not going to go away.
there will always be another step
against 'men' that they wish to take Furthermore, of course, there will always be another step against 'men' that they
wish to take, simply in order to continue justifying their jobs, their pensions
and their huge empires;
e.g. see Equality Between Men and
Women Is Not Achievable.
For example, the abuse industry will continually
attempt to expand its definitions
of 'abuse' forever into the future, regardless of how successful it has
been at eliminating certain 'earlier' forms of 'abuse'. Indeed, here in
the UK, even writing angry letters to your ex-partner is now seen as a form of
'intimate violence' by the government.
 And while these groups - that, in essence,
continually nourish themselves by
continually stirring up hatred towards men - remain
funded and supported, they are not going to go away. And if most of you male bloggers and
political aficionados out there continue to bury your heads in the sand
when it comes to 'gender issues' that are negatively affecting you and
your loved ones mightily, the onslaught against you will simply continue
to get much worse. Furthermore, of course, you will fail to draw the attention and
support of a much wider audience for your views - i.e. from 'men'. After
all, men make up half the population and, as indicated above, it is men,
far more so than women, who seem to be concerned about political issues.
why not write about men's concerns in connection with your interests?
So, why not write about men's
concerns in connection with your interests? Most of those women who are concerned with politics
are forever considering how they, as women,
are being affected by whatever topic is under discussion, but most men who
are concerned with politics seem completely oblivious to how they,
themselves, are being affected. And, indeed, this lack of interest
actually suggests to me that these men are not quite as astute and as
expert on their subjects as, no doubt, they would often purport themselves
to be. Take those men who call themselves 'libertarians', for example.
These men are usually very much concerned to push the government out of
people's lives as much as possible.
western governments have largely increased their powers over citizens
during these past two decades on the backs of women's issues and feminism; And yet western governments have
largely increased their powers over
citizens during these past two decades on the backs of women's issues and
feminism; e.g. see Why
Governments Love Feminism
In addition, feminism now invades just about every area of our lives. And so when, for example, I visit the sites of self-professed
'libertarian' bloggers who fail continually to address this point, I begin
to wonder whether they have any real insights at all. And the same goes
for those men who seem to regard themselves as conservatives. They tend
to complain about such things as high levels of taxes, big government, poor education,
family breakdown, the economic situation, war, and
what have you; but there is precious little discussion about how all these
things are affecting 'men'. But without looking at how these things are
actually affecting half the population - men - there is surely not much
hope of them understanding anything. most of these male
political pundits are actually failing to see what is really going on 'out
there' Furthermore, it seems to me that most of
these male political pundits are actually failing to see what is really
going on 'out there'. For example, they seem to remain unaware that the
interest group called 'Men' is actually a far bigger group than all the
other political groups put together.
True, some kind of Men's Movement has not yet organised itself into a
significant political force, but there are vastly more
men out there than there are
libertarians, or conservatives, or leftists, or whatever. And their voice
is gradually getting louder. And the
ongoing failure to tap into this huge reservoir - often by failing to recognise
its very existence - suggests a remarkable lack of perceptiveness on
behalf of those who would claim that they would like to change things for
the better, and who would also often proclaim quite loudly that they have good ideas about
how to achieve this. they are as useless as would be
ecologists who failed to consider the importance of plants to the welfare
of animals. But if they are failing to take into
account the impact that their ideas and notions have on men then, surely,
they are as useless as would be ecologists who failed to consider the
importance of plants to the welfare of animals. Furthermore, thanks to the internet, this male 'consciousness'
is set to grow and grow. And it is going to end up being far bigger and
far more persuasive than any other force. How could it not do this? -
unless the internet is heavily censored or closed down in the future.
your words of wisdom are probably not worth reading So my advice to
all you male bloggers and pundits out there is to use this
huge gathering force to your
advantage and to understand it. And for those who don't then, quite frankly, it seems to me
that your comprehension of the current state of play must be remarkably deficient - so
much so, that your words of wisdom are probably not worth reading.
Furthermore, feminism is, in practice, a truly disgusting ideology that is
not much different from the early days of Nazism. And many of those who
practice feminism usually have exactly the same kind of mindset - when it
comes to Men - as did those Nazis once have toward Jews; e.g. see
Feminism and Nazism. They have the
same basic mentality. Feminism is also costing the west
hundreds of
billions of dollars every year,
and it is impacting very negatively indeed on vast areas associated with
our well-being (e.g. see The Benefits
of Feminism?). It is all there, in front of your noses
- and so very easy to see. So, please, get your act together and start
fighting against it on your blogs and in your essays, instead of ignoring
it or running away from it. kick this revolting
ideology and its more wicked proponents into the back waters of history In other words, wake up; and help to kick
this revolting ideology and its more wicked proponents into the back waters of history - where
belong. I have no doubt at all that feminism is eventually
going to be exposed to the public for what it
really is, and I feel certain that many of those officials who
have treated men appallingly on the back of it will one day be held to
account - personally - even if this takes 20 years.
After all, tens of thousands of men every year have had their lives
very seriously damaged indeed by government officials acting on the basis
of highly corrupt and prejudiced feminist-inspired policies. And there is
no reason why these men should not seek redress. I
will not be surprised at all to see academics who have supported feminism
being vilified Furthermore, I will not
be surprised at all to see academics who have supported feminism being
vilified and ostracised in much the same way that were those who supported
Nazism. As such, might I
suggest that we get this 'war' over and won as quickly as possible; and thereby remove from our
countries this thoroughly obnoxious ideology that poisons
all of us. Might I also
suggest that the two most effective ways for bloggers and writers to
achieve this end is to keep pointing out to their readers that, firstly,
feminism is not about equality, it is mostly about empowering and funding
government and government workers and, secondly, that it thrives
mostly by wilfully and purposefully
damaging the relationships between men, women and children; e.g. see
Why Governments Love Feminism.
In other words, it is an extremely insidious and thoroughly nasty
And if you are a male political pundit then, perhaps, you could kindly
make the effort to help the public to wake up to this rather unhappy fact.
Finally, if you are failing to consider the impact on 'men' that
various policies have - 'men'; one of the largest groups on the planet -
and if you are also failing to take notice of the fact that feminism is
largely responsible both for the huge increases in government spending and
in governmental interference into people's lives that have taken place
over the past two decades then, quite frankly, of what value is your
contribution to the various debates in which you engage as a libertarian
or a conservative?
Almost of no value at all, in my view.
And soon, many other people will notice this too.

Sorry to be so offensive, Guys. But if you consider yourself to be
libertarians or conservatives, then you must be a pretty dim bunch if you
are not
continually addressing one of the main causes of
many of those things that
concern you the most.
e.g. see, ...
The Benefits of Feminism |